Internet Info 1994 March
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Newsgroups: alt.religion.gnostic,alt.consciousness,sci.psychology,soc.history,sci.answers,soc.answers,alt.answers,news.answers
Path: bloom-beacon.mit.edu!hookup!news.moneng.mei.com!howland.reston.ans.net!wupost!csus.edu!netcom.com!deane
From: deane@netcom.com (Dean Edwards)
Subject: Gnosis-Overview
Message-ID: <deaneCn1I37.6FF@netcom.com>
Followup-To: poster
Summary: This document contains a general overview of gnosis.
It should be read by anyone interested in understanding
what gnosis is and what differentiates it from other forms
of mystic experience
Keywords: gnosis,mysticism,spirit,consciousness,logos,sufi,marifat
Sender: deane@netcom.com (Dean Edwards)
Reply-To: deane@netcom.com (Dean Edwards)
Organization: La Casa del Paese Lontano
Date: Tue, 22 Mar 1994 00:16:17 GMT
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.edu
Expires: Fri, 22 Apr 1994 23:59:59 GMT
Lines: 107
Xref: bloom-beacon.mit.edu alt.religion.gnostic:102 alt.consciousness:2580 sci.psychology:11241 soc.history:19704 sci.answers:1003 soc.answers:993 alt.answers:2174 news.answers:16719
Archive-name: gnosis/overview
Last-modified: 8 March 1994
Version: 1.0
Gnosis Overview
This document is posted monthly to alt.religion.gnostic and to other
relevant newsgroups. It is maintained by deane@netcom.com (Dean
NOTE: The following general overview of gnosis is not intended to
be the last word or the definitive work on this subject. Rather it
is, as its title implies, intended to provide the participant or
reader with a set of guidelines that will familiarize them with
the general use of the terms gnosis, ma'rifat, jnana, mystical ecstasy
and other related terms. It will also review the trends, study and
practice of historic and contemporary experience of gnosis. Pleae
send comments to: deane@netcom.com (Dean Edwards).
c 1994 Dean Edwards
The purpose of this document is to provide a general overview of the
historical and contemporary trends, techniques. practice and
development of gnosis and gnosticism as well as related concepts
such as mystical ecstasy, jnana (Sanskrit), Ma'rifat (Arabic)and
Erfan (Persian) The Gnosis-Overview is intended to serve as a general
on-line reference about gnosis in the soc.religion., talk.religion.,
and sci. and alt. hierarchies (among others). It may not be sold or
resold without permission of the author.
Gnosis comes from a Greek word meaning 'to know' in the sense of to
be acquainted.Gnosis in a more specific religious sense refers to
the knowledge of God and the fullness of the true spiritual realms
through direct personal experience. Similar terms are jnana
(Sanskrit) and ma'rifat (Arabic). A gnostic is someone who has had
such an experience or who has been initiated into a tradition which
provides access to such personal revelations. (Please note that as a
term 'jnana' should not be confused with jnana yoga, which as a system
of yoga is related to study and not to the topic of gnosis.)
Gnosis is not simply a synonym for mysticism, paranormal, occult,
metaphysics, esoteric or knowledge. It is a distinct category of
mystical experience.
A gnostic religious-philosophical movement flourished during the
first several centuries of the current era. Although the presence of
gnostic concepts were documented in Alexandria during the Second
Century B.C.E., no system of practice emerged until the Second
Century C.E..
The effects of the presence of Gnosticism as a systematized religious
and spiritual practice were felt throughout Europe, Asia and North
Africa. These effects continue to be felt today. While much of the
focus in gnostic studies has been with the Christian forms of gnosis,
Jewish, Islamic, Hindu, Taoist, Buddhist, pagan and other versions
are also present in the historical and contemporary record. An active
academic debate about the origins of gnosticism and gnosis is a major
focus of many scholars. The discussion and study of gnosis as an
approach to spirituality cannot be easily tied to any single religion.
Gnosis involves direct "knowledge" and experience of the sacred,
rather than relying exclusively on faith, belief or study of sacred
texts. The gnostic draws upon this inner experience and knowledge to
describe the origin and true nature of all things.
The world is often seen as a training ground or prison for soul as
it seeks spiritual liberation, a return to its true home in the
Pleroma or realms of pure spirit beyond the physical and psychic
regions of matter, emotion and the mind. The true nature of Soul is
as a divine spark which originally issued forth from the fountain-
head of God. Systems of gnosis often teach that only through the
intercession of a messanger from the pure spiritual realms can the
soul become acquainted with God. The original Greek word, gnosis, as
noted above, meant knowledge in terms of being 'acquainted with'. The
gnostic in any form is a 'friend of God'.
Please note that soul in the above paragraph refers to the spark of
individualized spiritual essence that dwells within the consciousness
or mind. In some systems the word 'spirit' itself is used instead of
soul. Soul then becomes interchangeable with mind. In Greek, for
instance, the word 'psyche' means both mind and soul. 'pneuma' on
the other hand means spirit, wind, breath, air.
Today, new schools of gnosticism such as the Ecclesia Gnostica
have emerged in the West. The ancient movement still thrives in
several Sufi orders of Islam. (The Arabic term for gnosis is marifat.)
There are also strong gnostic influences in Jewish Kabbalah, and in
Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhism. Similar patterns are found in India
in the teachings
in the teachings of the Fifteenth Century poet Kabir and in the
As a field of academic study gnosticism has risen to prominence as a
result of the discovery of the Nag Hammadi Library materials in Egypt
in 1945 and earlier discoveries of Manichaean materials. This document
is intended to serve as a foundation for a continuing serious exchange
of information, questions and views about historical and contemporary
gnosis, gnostics and Gnosticism.
Future editions of this document will include sections summarizing
various schools of gnosis. Additional information is also available
at most libraries by looking up Gnosticism or Sufism in the subject